Excuse me

Why excuse me?


Because I am very cross with the humans who seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to take the others for walks without me!



I am perfectly capable of running for hours and playing with them, I know that it is only a week since this big thing happened BUT honestly what is their problem?

Actually I will admit that this takes some getting used to but since my leg did hurt I wasn’t using it too much so it’s just remembering not to try and stand on it (I forget sometimes and the humans tell me how silly that is) and I am being good when they take me in the field and having a good sniff and stretch, hunting to see what I can find and then going to the gate so they can take me in but I FEEL GOOD!


Yesterday I was taken to the vets and left there, very strange though because both the humans took me. There was a lovely lady vet who was all smiley and said I would be alright and that she would look after me but that really I would need to stay in until the next day – this did not sound too good to me.

Anyway they shaved my tail and more of my poorly leg and put a patch of something on my tail which made me feel all relaxed, only trouble was I had to have a ‘cone of shame’ on so I couldn’t lick it off – pah! I say, apparently it wouldn’t have done me any good at all if I ate that though.

Next thing I know there is a weird feeling on my bad leg and when I looked it wasn’t there any more – Oh wow! what was that all about? I have to say though that it doesn’t hurt the same as it did before I went to sleep.

So here I am the next day giving the nice people kisses and wagging my tail, I can walk around without the sore leg, bit weird though but I expect I will get used to it not being there and hopefully it wont hurt as much as it has been. Apparently when they had a look it was a bit of a mess but they have sent a bit of it away to see if someone can work out what has been wrong with it.

I have been allowed to go home which is just wonderful, I missed them all, I have a lovely new bed to lie on BUT I still have to wear that stupid cone and my leg is a bit sore where there is a big line now,  that will get better they say and look nice when it has healed up properly. Good things I have found out, they feed you chicken breast to eat and give you chicken water to drink, think I’ll hold out for loads of that.

They seem to be very pleased with me being able to walk and go to the toilet with only one leg, I’m just happy that the sore has changed and will be even happier when I don’t have to wear the cone round my head. Oh!and when they stop telling me to slow down when I am out in the garden!

Some training

The sun was out today so we all did some training. Pepper helped put all the equipment out, well wandered around absentmindedly and walked into things – see she has something called PRA which means she is slowly losing her sight and that gets worse in the bright light as she relies on the difference between light and dark not to walk into things, but she is happy as long as she is left to do her own thing, even if that is jumping out of the pen!

The other girls and Solo did some agility training, well pretended to really, more wanted the toys and treats. Solo also did a bit of Rally training since he has a competition to go to next weekend. I was supposed to be going to that too but I guess I wont be for now but my human did a bit of training with me, I love it soooo much, and we did some wide turns and recalls so that I didn’t hurt my leg by having to sit or move too closely. I wonder if I will be able to do it on three legs? that would be interesting, would I fall over when turning left and right 🙂 think we might have to try when I am better.

Tomorrow we see the specialists for scans, I’ve been there before when I was young and we never did find out what was wrong I just got better on my own, hopefully they are a bit more clued up this time.


My human parents are getting fed up, it seems the labs can’t get a definitive answer to what is wrong with me, ah well I’m happy enough because I can run very fast as long as I remember my sore leg is really quite sore. I do seem to be better running with it lifted up because then it doesn’t hurt me so much.
Anyway I got pretty cross this afternoon when all the others went out round the paddock and I got left behind, I let them know very very loudly just how fed up I was, turned out it was OK because I then had a lovely walk on my own and we went to find some blackberries for me to eat – yum yum I do like eating the blackberries straight from the bushes.

Funny thing today with Pepper, she has decided that she doesn’t like being kept in the pen with the rest of us (we need to be in one at the moment as we are having a new house being built and it’s not safe for us to be out and about in the garden when no people can watch us), anyway she climbed out of the pen 3 times today which is a bit surprising since she normally sleeps all day and doesn’t do silly things like that, that’s what Finn does. Goodness knows why she has suddenly decided to go walk about, maybe its because she’s a bit bonkers! whatever the humans were not too impressed and are now thinking of a way to make her safe again but able to walk about a bit rather than being in a crate all the time, what a silly girl. This is a picture of Pepper, she is 12 now.



where are his legs
where are his legs
with my sister and her mummy
with my sister and her mummy



Today we held some agility training in our paddock

In no uncertain terms Jack let us know how unfair it was that he couldn’t join in, not that he has ever done agility its just that it involves tennis balls for rewards and every tennis ball is his, no one else is allowed one – he says!

Everyone is right, he doesn’t know how bad things are just that his leg hurts, as you watch him trotting round the paddock with the occasional gallop after the rabbits making your heart miss a beat thinking of the consequences of him falling. It is very noticeable though that he protects the poorly leg by lifting it up when he is running, only using it when he is going more slowly and needs the confidence of using four legs.

Ultimately though, he is very happy and now the effects of the two anaesthetics he had last week for X-Rays and biopsies he is totally back to himself with his happily wagging tail and noisy protests at not being able to join in with the fun.


after my biopsy